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If you are receiving a full refund or travel credit due to Covid, CSA / Generali can change the dates on your policy. Click here to see what you can do with your CSA policy.
As of Oct 9, 2023 new CSA Trip Cancellation plans won’t cover trips to Israel

CSA Freestyle and CSA Freestyle Luxe
Trip Cancellation Plans


CSA Freestyle and CSA Freestyle Luxe plans have their strengths & quibbles:

Why Buy It? Quibbles
Round bullet point You have to buy either CSA Freestyle policy no later than 24 hours after your final trip payment and insure your full prepaid trip cost to cover pre-existing medical conditions. You also have to be medically able to travel at the time the coverage is purchased. Round bullet point CSA defines the Final Payment as the last pre-paid payment (prior to departure) of the most expensive part of the trip, unless the main air arrangements are added last. “Main air arrangements” refer to air to/from the main destination vs. tickets for a side trip during the vacation.
Round bullet point The CSA Freestyle has $50,000 & the CSA Freestyle Luxe has $250,000 Excess (Secondary) Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage Round bullet point CSA’s Emergency Assistance and Transportation and Medical and Dental Coverages limits are per plan, not per person
Round bullet point Trip interruption coverage is 150% of trip cost with the Freestyle plan and 175% of trip cost with Freestyle Luxe Round bullet point You must insure 100% of all prepaid and non-refundable trip costs to get pre-existing medical condition coverage
Round bullet point CSA’s Medical and Dental Coverage provides reimbursement for the necessary medical costs incurred within one year from the date of a sickness or injury that occurs during a covered trip. Round bullet point The CSA Freestyle and Freestyle Luxe plans are not available until your departure date is less than 18 months in the future.
Round bullet point The lowest trip cost you can cover is $0. This means you don’t have Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption coverage. Round bullet point The deadline to get the CFAR coverage on the CSA Freetyle Luxe is within 24 hours of the date your initial deposit
Round bullet point The CSA Freestyle plans do not exclude pre-existing medical conditions of family members who are not scheduled or booked to travel with you. Round bullet point Baggage coverage excludes telephones, computer hardware or software
Round bullet point You have a 10 day Free Look Period Round bullet point CSA doesn’t advance medical payments
Round bullet point CSA’s maximum trip length is 365 Days (some state limitations may apply)
Round bullet point CSA covers revocation of the Insured’s previously granted leave
Round bullet point Identity Theft Resolution Services are available for six full months, beginning on trip departure day
Round bullet point The Emergency Assistance and Transportation does not exclude pre-existing conditions even if you are past the deadline to get pre-existing conditions coverage on the trip cancellation, trip interruption and medical.
CSA is 1 of the few companies we trust
If you already know which CSA plan you want, click here for CSA Freestyle and click here for CSA Freestyle Luxe secure online quote & order form. Or call us toll free at 1-888-407-3854 to place your order over the telephone.

CSA logoCSA Travel Protection. CSA Travel Protection’s Freestyle Luxe plan provides coverage up to $250,000 per plan for Medical and Dental coverage, up to $1,000,000 per plan for Emergency Assistance and Transportation and up to 175% of trip cost for Trip Interruption coverage. The Freestyle Luxe plan can have up to 10 travelers on each plan and has a 10 day free look period.

The CSA Freestyle and Freestyle Luxe
Description of Coverage and Policy Wordings:

CSA Freestyle Policy Wording CSA Freestyle Luxe Policy Wording
A brief description is below. For complete coverage, terms, conditions and exclusions, select the desired CSA Freestyle or Freestyle Luxe Description of Coverage or Policy.

Ready to Order? It’s easy (and safe) to order online or over the telephone – just call Deanna, Kim or Steve toll free at 1-888-407-3854 or 816-282-6858.

The CSA Freestyle & CSA Freestyle Luxe Plan Details:

Plan Name / Maximum Benefit Limits Per Person Freestyle Freestyle Luxe
Secure online order form link (you don’t pay extra fees) CSA Freestyle CSA Freestyle Luxe
Trip Cancellation (each person) 100% of Trip Cost
Trip Interruption (each) 150% of Trip Cost 175% of Trip Cost
Excess (Secondary) Medical and Dental $50,000 Policy Maximum $250,000 Policy Maximum
Emergency Assistance and Transportation ($10,000 Limit Applies for Companion Hospitality Expenses) $250,000 Policy Maximum $1,000,000 Policy Maximum
Your deadline to waive the Pre-Existing Condition exclusion No later than 24 hours after your final trip payment. Besides the deadline, other conditions apply. Read the Description of Coverage or Policy.
Pre-Existing Condition Lookback Period 180 Days for both plans
Travel Delay (per person) $1,000 (after 6 hours) $150 per day $1,000 (after 6 hours) $200 per day
Baggage Coverage (per person) $1,000 $1,500
Baggage Delay (per person) $200 after 12 hours $500 after 12 hours
Missed Connection (per person) $500 (more than 3 hours) $1,000 (more than 3 hours)
Accidental Death and Dismemberment – Air Flight Accident (plan limit of $500,000) Optional Upgrade of $100,000 Per Person $100,000 Per Person
Additional Flight Accident Insurance (per person) with providers other than CSA You can get up to $1,500,000 per traveler as separate plans
Rental Car Damage Coverage $25,000 (not available to residents of Texas) $50,000 (not available to residents of Texas)
Accidental Death and Dismemberment – Travel Accident (each) Not Available $50,000 Per Person / $250,000 Per Policy
24 Hour Emergency Assistance Yes
Travel Supplier Financial Default Not Available on the Freestyle plan No later than 24 hours after your final trip payment. There’s a 14 Day Wait after purchase before this goes into effect.
Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption Coverage for Terrorist Incident coverage “A terrorist act which occurs in your departure city or in a city to which you are scheduled to travel while on your trip, and which occurs within 30 days of your scheduled departure date, provided the city has not experienced a terrorist act in the 30 days prior to the effective date of your coverage.”
Concierge Services Yes
Insurance Underwriter Travel insurance coverages are underwritten by: Generali U.S. Branch, New York,NY; NAIC # 11231, for the operating name used in certain states, please see Important Disclosures
Money Back Guarantee 10 days
Secure online order form link (you don’t pay extra fees) CSA Freestyle and CSA Freestyle Luxe
Secure Online Quote & Order Page

Ready to Order? It’s easy (and safe) to order online or over the telephone – just call Deanna, Kim or Steve toll free at 1-888-407-3854 or 816-282-6858.

Here Are CSA’s Maximum Trip Cost Limits for Trip Cancellation Coverage:

Traveler’s Age Each Individual’s Maximum Trip Cost Coverage Amount Per Trip Maximum Trip Cost Coverage Amount
Up to Age 70 $50,000 per individual $100,000 per trip
Age 71 – 80 $25,000 $50,000
Age 81 & Over $20,000 $30,000

Here are the CSA Freestyle Plan prices:

Take note of this important CSA Freestyle Plan pricing information:

  • The main section of the CSA Freestyle plan table contains rates for Trip costs up to $10,000 per person
  • $0 Trip Cost band does not include Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption
  • It’s the same price for a trip of up to 31 days
  • CSA Freestyle (not from us) has a $7 non-refundable administration fee (per policy, not per person) you need to add to the prices below
  • The next to last row has the rates for trip costs of $10,000.01 to the maximum trip cost
  • The last row has the daily per person rates for a 32-365 days’ trip
  • Here’s the CSA Freestyle secure online order form
The CSA Freestyle Plan’s Prices:
Per Person
Trip Cost
Age 0 – 30 31 – 50 51 – 60 61 – 70 71 – 75 76 – 80 81 – 84 85+
$0 $21 32 35 44 64 79 131 146
$.01-250 $24 35 37 47 73 86 135 162
$250.01-500 $27 39 42 54 82 96 150 192
$500.01-750 $38 50 54 69 95 119 173 232
$750.01-1,000 $42 55 65 87 114 133 192 248
$1,000.01-1,500 $52 73 85 113 152 182 248 315
$1,500.01-2,000 $71 98 110 151 200 238 315 402
$2,000.01-2,500 $90 123 137 187 251 300 388 494
$2,500.01-3,000 $106 143 163 223 305 359 454 571
$3,000.01-3,500 $122 162 186 259 351 413 534 657
$3,500.01-4,000 $139 180 211 292 397 460 610 741
$4,000.01-4,500 $151 196 234 325 431 511 670 816
$4,500.01-5,000 $182 240 264 367 499 580 775 954
$5,000.01-5,500 $208 276 299 412 563 648 867 1,093
$5,500.01-6,000 $230 310 333 470 619 714 960 1,214
$6,000.01-6,500 $265 357 375 525 688 800 1,085 1,378
$6,500.01-7,000 $292 395 411 577 756 871 1,176 1,523
$7,000.01-8,000 $318 426 444 630 822 960 1,288 1,673
$8,000.01-9,000 $355 467 480 691 902 1,061 1,431 1,825
$9,000.01-10,000 $381 502 518 737 981 1,158 1,537 1,943
Prices for an over $10,000 Trip Cost
$381 + 4.75% of trip cost over $10K $502 + 6.25% of trip cost over $10K $518 + 8% of trip cost over $10K $737 + 9% of trip cost over $10K $981 + 10.25% of trip cost over $10K $1,158 + 13% of trip cost over $10K $1,537 + 16.75% of trip cost over $10K $1,943 + 22% of trip cost over $10K
Per Day Cost for Over 31 days Trip Length
$3.75 $5 $6.50 $8 $9.50 $10 $11.50 $13

Click here to go to the CSA Freestyle secure online order form

Here are the CSA Freestyle Luxe Plan Prices:

Take note of this important CSA Freestyle Luxe Plan pricing information:

  • The main section of the CSA Freestyle Luxe Plan table contains rates for Trip costs up to $10,000 per person
  • $0 Trip Cost band does not include Trip Cancellation and Trip Interruption
  • It’s the same price for a trip of up to 31 days
  • CSA Freestyle Luxe (not from us) has a $7 non-refundable administration fee (per policy, not per person) you need to add to the prices below
  • The next to last row has the rates for trip costs of $10,000.01 to the maximum trip cost
  • The last row has the daily per person rates for a 32-365 days’ trip
  • Here’s the CSA Freestyle Luxe secure online order form
The CSA Freestyle Luxe Plan’s Prices:
Per Person
Trip Cost
Age 0 – 30 31 – 50 51 – 60 61 – 70 71 – 75 76 – 80 81 – 84 85+
$0 $29 47 54 72 87 111 180 190
$.01-$250 $35 54 60 75 92 118 194 214
$250.01-$500 $43 64 69 88 110 133 209 239
$500.01-750 $62 78 83 115 140 168 262 294
$750.01-1,000 $75 84 96 134 165 194 296 339
1,000.01-1,500 $96 109 127 174 216 262 394 443
$1,500.01-2,000 $123 144 162 222 281 358 509 568
$2,000.01-2,500 $150 179 202 272 345 438 614 697
$2,500.01-3,000 $177 213 239 327 411 516 727 843
$3,000.01-3,500 $208 249 282 381 474 627 827 956
$3,500.01-4,000 $236 281 320 434 541 722 945 1,089
$4,000.01-4,500 $263 326 364 494 616 823 1,123 1,276
$4,500.01-5,000 $290 394 421 558 694 940 1,281 1,454
$5,000.01-5,500 $321 439 473 640 787 1,048 1,434 1,623
$5,500.01-6,000 $350 519 536 714 870 1,150 1,591 1,781
$6,000.01-6,500 $384 559 582 775 942 1,253 1,707 1,916
$6,500.01-7,000 $419 622 637 847 1,042 1,356 1,898 2,146
$7,000.01-8,000 $466 682 697 925 1,143 1,460 2,054 2,322
$8,000.01-9,000 $520 749 773 1,015 1,255 1,592 2,211 2,473
$9,000.01-10,000 $576 799 837 1,129 1,376 1,738 2,374 2,649
Prices for an over $10,000 Trip Cost
$576 + 8.75% of trip cost over $10K $799 + 9.50% of trip cost over $10K $837 + 11% of trip cost over $10K $1,129 + 13.50% of trip cost over $10K $1,376 + 15.50% of trip cost over $10K $1,738 + 18.75% of trip cost over $10K $2,374 + 23% of trip cost over $10K $2,649 + 28.50% of trip cost over $10K
Per Day Cost for Over 31 days Trip Length
$6.75 $7.25 $8.25 $10.25 $11 $12.75 $14.50 $16

Click here to go to the CSA Freestyle Luxe secure online order form.


Ready to Purchase? It's easy and safe to purchase online or over the phone - just call Deanna, Kim or Steve at 888-407-3854 or 507-214-3854.

PS - Read Steve's Blog or you may Subscribe to Steve's blog here

PPS - Even though is the world's most informative travel insurance website, you are still responsible to know the coverage terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your plan. No comments or explanations confirm or deny coverage. You need to refer to each plan's policy wording.

PPPS - The Trip Cancellation coverage begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the date the policy is purchased. All other coverages begin when you leave home for your trip when your departure date is in the future.

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