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What is the Travel Insurance Pre-Existing Medical Condition Lookback Period & How Does It Work?

The Pre-Existing Medical Condition Lookback Period protects the insurance company if someone fails to meet all the requirements to have the Waiver of the Pre-Existing Medical Condition Exclusion.

If it’s not clear, you can cover Pre-Existing Medical Conditions when you buy your policy by the deadline and fulfill all the other rules. See the details.

The Pre-Existing Medical Condition Lookback Period is a period of time, usually the 60, 90, 180 days prior to the travel insurance policy’s coverage effective date, that defines a Pre-Existing Medical Condition. In my (Steve) opinion, the Lookback Period protects the insurance company from fraud if someone misrepresents their Initial Trip Deposit Date to get the waiver of the pre-existing condition exclusion.

A Pre-Existing Medical Condition is any medical condition (no matter how minor), which manifested itself, became acute or exhibited symptoms which would have caused one to seek diagnosis, care or treatment; or which medical advice, diagnosis, care or treatment was recommended or received (this includes being referred to a medical professional for any reason); or required taking prescribed drugs or medicine, unless the condition for which the prescribed drug or medicine is taken remains controlled without any change in the required prescription; or required medical treatment or treatment was recommended by a Legally Qualified Physician during the 60, 90, 180 day Lookback Period prior to the day you buy a travel insurance policy.

What during the Lookback Period causes a medical condition to be considered a Pre-Existing Condition?

If the person with the condition has any symptoms, appointment or visit or consultation with a medical professional, test, diagnosis, medication adjustment or change, then this condition would potentially be a pre-existing medical condition. The results of the test will determine whether or not the condition will be defined as a pre-existing medical condition.

Having a checkup or test that does not result in any changes of treatment, changes of medication nor anything new being discovered doesn’t cause the condition to be defined as pre-existing. Because this is an important part of travel insurance, it’s best to call us to discuss this further.

The Pre-Existing Medical Condition exclusion can not only apply to you, the insured, but, for some coverages, can also apply to your traveling companions and traveling or non-traveling family members. Click here to learn more about who is defined as traveling companions and family members.

What problems can arise when a condition is a pre-existing medical condition?

Here’s an example:
Let’s say you have high cholesterol. You’re fine now. Your condition is completely controlled with no diagnosis, care, consultations with any medical professional, treatments nor any changes in medication within the time frame required by your plan. Therefore if the condition has remained stable, and all insured’s are medically able to travel when the coverage is purchased it would not be considered a pre-existing medical condition.

Medically Stable means that the person with the pre-existing condition:

  1. Has not already taken a turn for the worse;
  2. Is not in a state where any changes are foreseen, known, or expected that could cause the person to “take a turn for the worse”. This varies from company to company.

Here Are The Lookback Periods:

Provider & summary page links The Lookback Period
CSA – both CSA Freestyle plans 180 calendar days
Generali Premium, Preferred and Standard plans 180 calendar days
IMG SE and LX plans 60 calendar days
Travelex Select 60 calendar days
Travel Guard Preferred 180 calendar days
Travel Guard Plus 180 calendar days
Travel Insured Worldwide Trip Protector 60 calendar days
TravelSafe Classic 60 calendar days

Ready to Purchase? It's easy and safe to purchase online or over the phone - just call Deanna, Kim or Steve at 888-407-3854 or 507-214-3854.

PS - Read Steve's Blog or you may Subscribe to Steve's blog here

PPS - Even though is the world's most informative travel insurance website, you are still responsible to know the coverage terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your plan. No comments or explanations confirm or deny coverage. You need to refer to each plan's policy wording.

PPPS - The Trip Cancellation coverage begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the date the policy is purchased. All other coverages begin when you leave home for your trip when your departure date is in the future.

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