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Here’s How Travel Insurance Covers
War or Civil Disorder and Unrest:

If you want the option to cancel your trip for any reason, at least two days before departure, including War, Civil Disorder or Unrest, click here to see the details of the Cancel for Any reason Trip Cancellation Travel Insurance plans.

Except for having a Cancel For Any Reason plan, you can’t cancel your trip if you don’t feel safe. Keep in mind that it’s only “Cancel For Any Reason” and not “Interrupt For Any Reason”.

Non-Medical Emergency Political Evacuation Coverage for Unexpected Events:

  • The Global Alert Preferred and Preferred Plus plans include $25,000 Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation coverage: All reasonable expenses incurred for Your transportation to the nearest place of safety, or to Your home, are covered, up to a maximum of $25,000, if You must leave Your Trip for a Covered Reason. Evacuation must occur within 10 days of any covered event. Arrangements will be by the most appropriate and economical means available and consistent with Your health and safety. Benefits are only payable for arrangements made by One Call Worldwide Travel Services Network, Inc.Covered Reasons: We will pay for the Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation Benefits listed above if, while on Your Trip, a formal recommendation from the appropriate local authorities, or the U.S. State Department, is issued for You to leave a country You are visiting on Your Trip due to: 1) a natural disaster; 2) civil, military or political unrest; or 3) Your being expelled or declared a persona non-grata by a country You are visiting on Your Trip.
  • The Travel Insured WTP and Gold plans’ $25 Medical Upgrade includes Political Evacuation coverage:POLITICAL EVACUATION SERVICES
    Included with purchase of Medical Upgrade
    Political Evacuation is provided by Travel Insured’s designated provider. In the event of a political emergency situation due to government or social upheaval while traveling in a foreign country; the Assistance Company will evacuate You home or to the nearest place of safety and then home. All reasonable expenses incurred for Your transportation to the nearest place of safety, and then to Your home, are covered up to a maximum of $100,000. Arrangements will be by the most appropriate and economical means available and consistent with Your health and safety. If an evacuation is impossible due to hostile conditions, the Assistance Company will use security resources to maintain contact with You until evacuation becomes possible or the emergency is concluded. All arrangements must be arranged and coordinated by the Assistance Company. Services rendered without the coordination and approval of the Assistance Company are not covered.
  • The TravelSafe Vacation Classic Plan include $25,000 Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation coverage:
    Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation Benefits

    All reasonable expenses incurred for Your transportation to the nearest place of safety, or to Your home, are covered, up to a maximum of $25,000, if You must leave Your Trip for a Covered Reason. Evacuation must occur within 10 days of any covered event. Arrangements will be by the most appropriate and economical means available and consistent with Your health and safety. Benefits are only payable for arrangements made by One Call Worldwide Travel Services Network, Inc.Covered Reasons: We will pay for the Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation Benefits listed above if, while on Your Trip, a formal recommendation from the appropriate local authorities, or the U.S. State Department, is issued for You to leave a country You are visiting on Your Trip due to: 1) a natural disaster; 2) civil, military or political unrest; or 3) Your being expelled or declared a persona non-grata by a country You are visiting on Your Trip. Non-Medical Evacuation Exclusions:
    We do not cover: 1) loss or expense recoverable under any other insurance or through an employer; 2) loss or expense arising from or attributable to: (a) dishonest or criminal acts committed or attempted by You; (b) alleged violation of the laws of the country You are visiting, unless We determine such allegations to be fraudulent, or (c) failure to maintain required documents or visas; 3) loss or expense arising from or attributable to: (a) debt, insolvency, business or commercial failure; (b) the repossession of any property; or (c) Your non-compliance with a contract, license or permit; 4) loss or expense arising from or due to liability assumed by You under any contract. Non-Medical Emergency Evacuation Benefits and Services are provided by: One Call Worldwide Travel Services Network, Inc.

Ready to Purchase? It's easy and safe to purchase online or over the phone - just call Deanna, Kim or Steve at 888-407-3854 or 507-214-3854.

PS - Read Steve's Blog or you may Subscribe to Steve's blog here

PPS - Even though is the world's most informative travel insurance website, you are still responsible to know the coverage terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your plan. No comments or explanations confirm or deny coverage. You need to refer to each plan's policy wording.

PPPS - The Trip Cancellation coverage begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the date the policy is purchased. All other coverages begin when you leave home for your trip when your departure date is in the future.

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