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Get The MedjetAssist Hospital Of Choice Membership So That You Can Decide Where To Receive Your Medical Care

MedjetAssist is not an insurance plan, so it doesn’t pay your medical bills. Medjet just pays the transport and related costs. Travel insurance pays medical costs. Go here to get quotes on medical coverage, trip cancellation & interruption plans

PS – You can use MedjetAssist for your medical transport plus have a travel insurance plan for all its extra coverages including medical treatment prior to being transported.

One Trusted Plan | Two Member Options

MedJet logo Medjet Horizon logo
Click here to see the details

Why Are there Two MedjetAssist Plan Choices?

MedjetAssist is a domestic and global air medical transport membership program with two plan choices: Classic Medjet and the MedJet Horizon (includes all the air medical transport benefits of a Classic MedJet membership, plus medical, travel security and crisis response services).

What Is MedjetAssist?

MedjetAssist is a domestic and global air medical transport membership program. If a Medjet member becomes hospitalized 150 miles or more from home and meets transport criteria, Medjet will arrange medical transport to the hospital of their choice within their home country. All the member pays is their membership fee.

Who Can Get MedjetAssist?

MedjetAssist memberships are available to residents of the United States, Canada and Mexico.

How Does MedjetAssist Work?

If you (a member) are hospitalized as an inpatient more than 150 miles from your home, you can choose to be transported to another hospital.

Of course, MedjetAssist does have Air Transport Exclusions & Restrictions. Click here to see what’s not covered

Who Is A Family Member (for the Family coverages)?

A family is a primary member, spouse or partner residing at the same location and up to 5 unmarried dependent children under the age of 19 unless they are a full-time student then up to age 23.

Here Are MedjetAssist’s Distinct Advantages:

  • MedjetAssist is a membership program, not a health nor travel insurance plan
  • MedjetAssist members are transported without regard to medical necessity – they just have to be hospitalized as an inpatient more than 150 miles from home
  • MedjetAssist members, if hospitalized, do not have to worry about being transported to a nearby hospital in a foreign country that has only adequate medical care – MedjetAssist will arrange to medically transfer you to your home hospital or hospital of your choice.
  • If you need to come home for medical reasons, but do not need a private plane, they will send a trained health professional to escort you home on a regular flight.
  • MedjetAssist has no limit on the cost of a medical transport
  • You have no claim forms, co-payments, deductibles nor waiting periods
  • MedjetAssist benefits are available within the U.S. as well as abroad
  • MedjetAssist maintains a global network of authorized affiliates that provides access to medically equipped aircraft as well utilizing commercial airlines with medical escorts.
  • You get medical and legal referrals, translation assistance for foreign medical reports, pre-travel medical consultations and return of mortal remains (return of mortal remains isn’t available to Oregon residents).
  • There’s no pre-existing condition exclusion for those under the age of 75
  • There’s no adventure travel exclusion, no natural disaster exclusion
  • There’s no terrorism exclusion

How Much Does MedjetAssist Cost?

  • One year Regular Plan memberships are $315 for an individual, $425 for a family, up to age 74. You will get multi-year discounts, too.
  • Multi-year memberships are available as long as you aren’t turning age 75 during the membership period.
  • Short-term memberships start at $99 for 8, 15, 21, & 30-day terms
  • Buy the MedJet Assist plan

Here are the Regular Plan prices:

Membership Length Individual Savings Vs.
Annual Individual
Family Savings Vs.
Annual Family
Annual Membership $315 $425
2 – year Membership $525 $91 $795 $39
3 – year Membership $730 $186 $1,150 $98
5 – year Membership $1,150 $376 $1,780 $296
Click here for the Regular Annual Plan Order Form

Here are the Regular Plan Prices
with a Senior Citizen Discount from a well-known organization that won’t let me use its name:

Membership Length Individual Savings Vs.
Annual Individual
Family Savings Vs.
Annual Family
Annual Membership $275 $375
2 – year Membership $480 $60 $720 $11
3 – year Membership $675 $130 $1,050 $51
5 – year Membership $1,050 $301 $1,650 $251
Click here for the Regular Annual Plan Order Form

Here are the Short-Term Plan prices:

Travel Protection Plan Length Individual Family
8 Days’ Coverage $99 $198
15 Days’ Coverage $155 $260
21 Days’ Coverage $200 $335
30 Days’ Coverage $255 $395
Click here for the Short-Term Plan Order Form

Here are the Short-Term Plan prices with a Senior Citizen Discount from a well-known organization that won’t let me use its name:

Travel Protection Plan Length Individual Family
8 Days’ Coverage $85 $175
15 Days’ Coverage $140 $240
21 Days’ Coverage $185 $310
30 Days’ Coverage $230 $360
Click here for the Short-Term Plan Order Form

How & Where Do I Get MedjetAssist?

You Can Easily Get MedjetAssist From
  1. Safely, easily online from MedjetAssist
  2. Over the telephone: Call Deanna, Kim or Steve toll free at 1-888-407-3854 (US & Canada) or 507-214-3854.
    – We are available 7 days a week
    – You get to talk to a live person
    – We’re happy to answer all your questions
    – We can even complete your application over the phone
    – Everything you tell us is confidential
Go to MedjetAssist’s secure online order form. Or call us toll free at 1-888-407-3854 (US & Canada) to place your order over the telephone. MedJet logo

MedjetAssist Has Different Plan Options:

Short Plan Summary
Regular Plan
MedjetAssist is your ticket home if you become ill or are injured. Annual memberships are available to residents of the U.S., Canada and Mexico. These memberships allow these residents to travel outside of their respective countries for up to 90 consecutive days.
Short-Term Plan
You can get a short-term (8 – 30 days’ length) MedjetAssist program if you are up to age 74 & live in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
MedjetAssist Plus Program
In addition to the benefits of our regular membership, a PLUS membership adds: secure online storage and maintenance of personal medical information, up-to-the-minute trip intelligence, free international cell phone rental and up to $50,000 cash advance for medical emergencies. Add $119 per plan per year for the Plus plan
Expatriate Plan
Memberships are available for U.S., Canada and Mexico residents traveling for extended periods in other countries. The fees are based on the amount of uninterrupted time spent outside the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
You may buy this for multiple years if you renew before then end of your 365 days coverage.

Number of days out of U.S, Canada & Mexico Individual Family
Expat180 (up to 180 consecutive days) $465 $595
Expat365 (up to 365 consecutive days) $695 $1,035
Click here for the Expatriate Plan’s Secure Order Form

Expatriate Plan with a Senior Citizen Discount from a well-known organization that won’t let me use its name
Memberships are available for U.S., Canada and Mexico residents ltraveling for extended periods in other countries. The fees are based on the amount of uninterrupted time spent outside the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

You may buy this for multiple years if you renew before then end of your 365 days coverage.

Number of days out of U.S, Canada & Mexico Individual Family
Expat180 (up to 180 consecutive days) $395 $475
Expat365 (up to 365 consecutive days) $590 $880
Click here for the Expatriate Plan’s Secure Order Form
If you already know which MedjetAssist plan you want, click here to go to MedjetAssist’s secure online order form. Or call Deanna, Kim or Steve toll free at 1-888-407-3854 or 816-282-6858 to place your order over the telephone. MedJet logo

MedjetAssist’s Membership Eligibility

  • Must be under age 75 for basic membership.
  • A family membership shall include the named primary member, his or her spouse and up to five of their unmarried dependent children (including step, foster or legally adopted children) under the age of 19 or up to age 23, if a full-time student in actual attendance at an accredited school or college and dependent on the primary member for support and maintenance. If a birth or legal adoption occurs during the year of a family membership, the new dependent is automatically covered upon notification. A dependent child, as used above, is one who lives regularly and permanently with the primary member in a parent-child relationship and is chiefly dependent upon the member for support.
  • Membership enrollment and renewal are subject to approval by the MedjetAssist membership committee.
  • Membership is valid only if the appropriate membership fee is collected.

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MedjetAssist’s Air Medical Transport Criteria

  • You must be hospitalized as an inpatient more than 150 miles from your primary residence as listed on your enrollment application and continue to meet inpatient criteria at the receiving hospital.
  • If you are medically discharged from the hospital or leave against medical advice and are physically able to travel under you own power, you will no longer be eligible for air medical transport benefits.
  • Due to the limited medical facilities and testing available on cruise ships, in some cases the MedjetAssist Medical Director may require the member to be admitted to a hospital on-shore before scheduling air medical transportation to another hospital.
  • All arrangements for medical evacuation and repatriation must be made by MedjetAssist. Because MedjetAssist is an assistance program and not an insurance plan, we will not reimburse members for expenses they incur on their own. Decisions regarding urgency of the case, the best timing and the most suitable means of transportation will be made by the MedjetAssist medical department after consulting with the local attending physician and the receiving physician.
  • Evacuation flights will be performed if an inpatient hospitalization is required, and the remaining in-patient hospital stay can be completed at a hospital of the member’s choice near the member’s home, and the member is unable to return to his home hospital via commercial airline without medical escort. Aircraft used for the medical transport of MedjetAssist members are fully equipped intensive care aircraft staffed with specially trained medical teams. However, if the member’s condition permits, the member may be transported by scheduled commercial airline, while in the care of a MedjetAssist medical team. Air medical services are limited to two separate flights per membership per year, except for repatriation flights involving enrolled, multiple family members requiring simultaneous repatriation. Under these circumstances, each family member will receive one fully paid flight.
  • Transport from home hospital to a specialty hospital more than 150 miles away is provided only in cases in which the appropriate medical specialty or equipment is not available at the member’s hometown hospital and the member cannot travel commercially without medical escort. (This benefit does not apply to short-term membership.)

More Information:

No Medical Necessity To Be Transported
MedjetAssist members are transported without regard to medical necessity. Members, as long as they are hospitalized as an inpatient more than 150 miles from their home, can choose to be transported to another hospital, even if the facility they are in is considered adequate. The member makes the decision to be transported.

Many health, travel insurance plans and platinum card benefits require that a transfer be medically required. In other words, as long as the care at a hospital is deemed adequate, transferring to another hospital is not an option.

You Can Go To The Hospital Of Your Choice
MedjetAssist flies individuals to their home hospital or hospital of their choice. Many plans generally restrict transports to the nearest hospital that provides “appropriate care.” This means individuals are taken to a hospital the shortest distance away that has adequate care, but not necessarily the best care.

MedjetAssist members, if hospitalized, do not have to worry about being transported to a nearby hospital in a foreign country that has only adequate medical care. Members choose if they want to fly home to their local hospital or hospital of their choice to receive the very best care and to be near their family.

There Are No Cost Limits
MedjetAssist has no limit on the cost of a medical transport. Many companies and insurance plans place caps – some as low as $25,000 – on the total amount available for an air ambulance. But a medical transport between Europe and America can run more than $35,000. Middle East and South American flights range from $60,000 to $80,000. Transport from Asia often exceeds $100,000.

You Have Domestic & Foreign Transport Coverage
MedjetAssist provides air medical transportation within the United States as well as abroad. If a MedjetAssist member becomes ill or injured and is hospitalized while traveling in the U.S. or abroad, MedjetAssist will take the member to their home hospital or the hospital of their choice.

In addition, if a MedjetAssist member is hospitalized in their hometown hospital and requires the services that only a specialty hospital (center of excellence) can provide, and the member is too ill or injured to fly commercially, MedjetAssist will fly that member to the specialty hospital, provided it is more than 150 miles from the member’s home hospital.

MedjetAssist Air Transport Restrictions and Exclusions

Yes, MedjetAssist does have Air Transport Exclusions & Restrictions. It’s a good idea to see what’s not covered


Members will not be entitled to air medical transport benefits if their illnesses or injuries are the results of or are contributed to by the following:

  • War, invasion or civil war;
  • Suicide or attempted suicide or intentional self injury;
  • A member’s own criminal or felonious act or sustained while the member is in a state of insanity;
  • A member on an organ transplant list prior to enrollment will not be entitled to a transport for that transplant;
  • A member who is hospitalized at the time of enrollment will not be eligible for transport benefits for that hospitalization and may not be accepted for membership entirely;

MedjetAssist reserves the right to change or amend these rules and regulations. MedjetAssist is solely responsible for the interpretation and application of the rules and regulations communicated in this publication. All determinations by MedjetAssist shall be final and conclusive in each case. Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable. By enrolling as a member, you accept and agree to the terms and conditions of membership.


  • Both the originating and receiving hospitals must be reasonably accessible by ground ambulance to transport the member to and from an airfield capable of accommodating an authorized aircraft.
  • Membership provides access to MedjetAssist authorized affiliates only.
  • Due to the high risk of sending U.S. registered aircraft and personnel into countries where the U.S. State Department has issued travel restrictions, membership services are subject to exclusion in these areas.
  • A member with tuberculosis or other chronic airborne pathogens may not be transported.
  • A member with mild lesions, simple injuries such as sprains, simple fractures or mild illness which can be treated by local doctors and do not prevent the member from continuing his or her trip or returning home does not qualify for air medical transport.
  • Air medical transport services will not be provided in cases where the member’s primary admitting diagnosis is an inpatient psychiatric disorder.
  • A member traveling outside the United States for the sole purpose of seeking medical treatment, whether inpatient or outpatient, experimental or otherwise, will not be eligible for air medical transport benefits for that specific trip.
  • A member traveling or living outside the United States or Canada for an uninterrupted period in excess of 90 days is not eligible for membership benefits under the standard plan. Extended Stay (Expatriate) packages are available upon request.
  • Up to two (2) family members, business associates and/or traveling companions may accompany the patient, at no additional cost, on a MedjetAssist authorized aircraft during a transport, provided space is available and the patient care is not compromised. One family member or traveling companion may accompany patients being transported via scheduled commercial airline at no additional cost via economy class.
  • Payment of membership fee entitles the member to the membership services as published at no additional cost to the member. This membership permits MedjetAssist to collect for services rendered directly from the member’s insurer or other provider, if available. If the members has no insurance coverage for the services rendered, the member is still entitled to all MedjetAssist benefits at no additional cost.
  • While MedjetAssist makes every effort to accommodate its members, the patient and an accompanying passenger are limited to one small carry-on bag each due to limited space available on medical aircraft. MedjetAssist will arrange for additional luggage to be forwarded at the member’s expense.

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Click here to go to MedjetAssist’s secure online order form. Or call Deanna, Kim or Steve toll free at 1-888-407-3854 or 816-282-6858 to place your order over the telephone. MedJet logo

Here are the Medjet Horizon Details

MedJet Horizon logo

Your health, your safety, your security — it’s all here with Medjet Horizon, the most comprehensive global rescue membership for travelers. When you leave home prepared for travel’s many possibilities, you’ll be able to see the world like never before.

What Does the Medjet Horizon Cost?

Upgrading your Classic Medjet membership to Horizon is:

  • $159 additional per year for individual memberships.
  • $189 additional per year for family memberships.

A Medjet Horizon membership includes all the air medical transport benefits of a Classic Medjet membership, plus medical, travel security and crisis response services.

Protect your health away from home.

Join Medjet Horizon to enjoy all the renowned air medical transport benefits of a Classic Medjet membership, plus these additional travel health and medical  transportation services:

  • Ground Ambulance Transfer
  • Specialty Hospital Transport
  • Cash Advance for Medical Emergencies

Leave more worries behind.

The safer you feel, the more you can focus on the moment, especially when you travel. That’s the beauty of Medjet Horizon. Our members can call our travel security network for help in a wide range of circumstances, including:

  • Political Threat
  • Disappearance
  • Violent Crime
  • Blackmail & Extortion
  • Terrorism
  • Wrongful Detention
  • Hijacking
  • Kidnap for Ransom
  • Personal Travel Advisories

Crisis Response

No hard trigger necessary.

If you need us, you can call us. Unlike other global rescue and travel security membership programs, Medjet Horizon does not depend on hard triggers, like official government-issued evacuation mandates, to act on behalf of our members. Our international crisis responses network is tailored to your individual situation and may involve:

  • Global Evacuation and Rescue
  • Personal Security Detail
  • Medical Assistance
  • Legal Assistance
  • Emergency Translation
  • Emergency Communication to Family

Personal Travel Advisory

This is a great pre-trip planning tool allowing the Horizon member to create personalized travel advisories and access research to over 260 countries, cities and destinations. Government warnings, health and medical requirements, local laws and customs, and visa and passport requirements are available. Medjet Horizon’s personal travel advisory also provides eTravel Alerts for events that could affect travel plans or travel safety.

Best of all, once an itinerary is set, an email advisory may be created that will email additional travel alerts before and during travel.

Personal Travel Advisories Login for Horizon Members

Existing Horizon members can log into the eTravel Alert personal travel advisory portal by entering their Medjet Horizon membership number in the field below.

Travel Security and Crisis Response

There is a lot of excitement in traveling and exploring the vast, wonderful world. From experiencing different cultures to different landscapes, this world was meant to be experienced. But there’s also a lot of risk and concern with the countless things that can go wrong. You can’t always control what happens, but you can prepare for those situations if, and when they come. Our Horizon members receive top-notch travel security protection and access to our massive crisis response network. Travel security is the last thing you want to worry about when it comes to your vacation or trip. We’ve got you covered.

Medjet has partnered with FocusPoint International, providing their membership benefit of Crisis Assistance Plus™ (CAP) – a travel security and crisis assistance membership program – offering its travel security services to Medjet Horizon members. Subject to the CAP Rules & Regulations, Medjet Horizon Members enjoy on-demand access to a dedicated 24/7 Crisis Response Center and veteran global travel security experts, where they can receive advice and, if necessary, coordinated response services for the following event types:

  • Political Threat
  • Disappearance
  • Violent Crime
  • Blackmail & Extortion
  • Terrorism
  • Wrongful Detention
  • Hijacking
  • Kidnap for Ransom

About Crisis Assistance Plus™ (CAP):  Crisis Assistance Plus™ (CAP) is a fully funded, security-centric travel assistance membership program. CAP™ provides crisis response assistance for a wide range of crises that directly impact or have the potential to impact a member during travel. When combined with the MedjetAssist member benefit of home-country hospital-of-choice medical transport, CAP™ provides a holistic travel risk management solution, giving your client ultimate peace of mind.

Cash Advance for Medical Emergencies

Many foreign hospitals require payment in full prior to treatment. The Horizon member has access to an emergency cash advance in the event of a medical emergency. Based on an approved repayment guarantee, Medjet will provide access for up to $50,000 to take care of any immediate medical needs.

Specialty Hospital Transfer

This exclusive Horizon service for travelers through age 74 goes above and beyond the benefits of the air medical transportation portion of a Medjet membership. Should a Horizon member require care only found at a specialty hospital more than 150 miles away from their home hospital, Medjet will arrange air medical transfer to that hospital at no additional cost.

Ground Ambulance Transfer

If a Medjet Horizon member is hospitalized less than 150 miles from their primary address, Medjet will arrange ground hospital transfer back to the member’s home hospital of choice within that 150-mile radius at no additional charge to the member. This medical transport service includes both advanced life support and critical care ground transfer services.

Don’t Get Left Behind. Become a Medjet Horizon Member Today.

Unprecedented Control in Times of Crisis.

Most global rescue membership programs require hard triggers to deploy assistance, but not Medjet Horizon. For example, if an emerging political threat makes you feel unsafe, but a government evacuation has not yet been issued, you can contact Medjet and explain your concern. Our team will assess your situation and develop an appropriate crisis response plan.

  • No other membership program provides more comprehensive travel protection
  • No other membership program gives you more control of your health, your safety and your sense of security
  • Only Medjet Horizon provides a complete answer to travel protection

Click here to order the Medjet Horizon Upgrade


Ready to Purchase? It's easy and safe to purchase online or over the phone - just call Deanna, Kim or Steve at 888-407-3854 or 507-214-3854.

PS - Read Steve's Blog or you may Subscribe to Steve's blog here

PPS - Even though is the world's most informative travel insurance website, you are still responsible to know the coverage terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your plan. No comments or explanations confirm or deny coverage. You need to refer to each plan's policy wording.

PPPS - The Trip Cancellation coverage begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the date the policy is purchased. All other coverages begin when you leave home for your trip when your departure date is in the future.

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