3 Quick Travel Tips

by Steve Dasseos on February 6, 2008

Here are 3 Quick Travel Tips one of our clients emailed me:

Dry air in hotel rooms? To combat dry air in the hotel room, fill the bathtub with hot water and keep the bathroom door open – this will allow moisture to escape to the whole hotel suite.

Make friends with a bus driver! A Bus Driver May be Better than a Concierge! – Make friends with any regular bus drivers around your hotel. They’re better equipped to make suggestions than most concierges, and are very familiar with local customs / secrets. A good public bus driver can make an entire vacation!

Ziplock Bags The Essential Travel Item. I bring them in a variety of sizes. Useful for packing snacks (can’t tell you how much money I’ve saved just by being able to throw an extra muffin or two from a B&B into a bag), wet laundry, trash, organizing film, keeping a camera dry, etc.

I hope this makes sense. If you want the right travel insurance advice, call us at 1-888-407-3854 and we'll help you figure it all out.

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