May I Increase My Trip Cost Later?

by Steve Dasseos on August 20, 2018

When I booked my trip, and bought Travel Insurance from you, my departure date was too far away to buy airfare. It’s possible that I will use frequent flyer miles for my airfare. If I end up paying for my airfare, may I add the price of it to my policy? What about other prepaid trip costs?

My standard answer is “Yes, you may do that. Insurance companies, like the government, are always happy to take your money!” This always gets a big laugh.

Booking a trip way in advance and getting your airfare later, whether it’s with frequent flyer miles or paying for the tickets, is very common. You likely have a good idea of what your final prepaid non-refundable trip costs will be. You would insure all your known prepaid trip costs when you buy the travel insurance. However, you don’t know what the airline tickets will cost or if you are getting them for free.

When this is the case, it’s best to wait until you arrange the airfare and adjust your policy’s insured trip cost at that time, or not more than 14 days after buying the airfare. If you use frequent flyer miles to buy the tickets, you will want to increase your policy’s insured trip cost by the amount of the re-deposit fee.

You just pay the incremental price increase when you go into another price bracket. The prices are locked in at the rates and your age(s) that were in effect when you bought your policy.

Here’s more information on using frequent flyer miles:

What happens if I insure all my prepaid and non-refundable trip costs by the deadline to have the pre-existing conditions coverage, but later, yet still before my trip, I arrange an activity on my trip which requires a non-refundable prepayment? It wouldn’t have been part of my original travel plans, yet is prepaid and non-refundable and it pushes my prepaid trip cost above my insured limit.

This works the same as if you were buying airfare. You may easily add the cost of this new travel arrangement that wasn’t a part of your original travel plans. In this case, call us at 1-888-407-3854 not more than 14 days after you prepay it and we will increase your insured trip cost.

I hope this made sense.

I hope this makes sense. If you want the right travel insurance advice, call us at 1-888-407-3854 and we'll help you figure it all out.

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