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How Trip Cancellation Travel Insurance Covers Terrorism

Terrorism coverage means you can cancel or interrupt your trip if a Terrorist Incident happens in a city listed on your intinerary within a certain number of days of your trip’s scheduled departure date.

Here’s typical policy wording: “A Terrorist Act which occurs in your Scheduled Trip Departure City or in a city to which you are scheduled to travel while on your Trip, and which occurs within 30 days of your Scheduled Departure Date, provided the city has not experienced a Terrorist Act in the past 30 days prior to the effective date of your coverage. The Terrorist Incident must occur after the Effective Date of Your Trip Cancellation Coverage.”

The Oct 6, 2023 Israel-Hamas Conflict is Terrorism:

Hamas committed Terrorism. It wasn’t until hours later that Israel declared War.

Will any potential travel insurance claims be paid under the Terrorism benefits?

First, If you ask us if your claim will be paid, we tell you to the best of our knowledge. That said, the only way you can be sure if your claim will be paid or not is after you file your claim. We cannot pre-determine the outcome of your claim. The insurance company has the final say.

For clarity, defining an event as Terrorism may allow payment of Trip Cancellation / Trip Interruption benefits in the event of a Terrorism incident.

Next, here’s how our companies are treating this crisis (we will update the information as needed):

I also wrote “Travel Insurance and Terrorism” on Nov. 19, 2015

Terrorism coverage does not include a government mandate (ie – all planes are grounded). One of travel insurance’s exclusions says “Any government regulation or prohibition”.

Ready to Purchase? It's easy and safe to purchase online or over the phone - just call Deanna, Kim or Steve at 888-407-3854 or 507-214-3854.

PS - Read Steve's Blog or you may Subscribe to Steve's blog here

PPS - Even though is the world's most informative travel insurance website, you are still responsible to know the coverage terms, conditions, limitations, and exclusions of your plan. No comments or explanations confirm or deny coverage. You need to refer to each plan's policy wording.

PPPS - The Trip Cancellation coverage begins at 12:01 a.m. on the day after the date the policy is purchased. All other coverages begin when you leave home for your trip when your departure date is in the future.

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