Something you’ll notice about is that we don’t offer travel insurance plans from every company. In fact, not even from some better known companies. We only offer plans from the companies I trust. That’s because I (Steve) am both paranoid (in a healthy way) and skeptical in the beginning about financial / insurance company’s products.
The way I look at it is that buying almost anything is a risk. Here’s how I say it up front on our Homepage:
“We understand that buying any insurance is a risk. You are trading a known certainty (your hard earned money) for an unknown quantity – the promise of the insurance policy doing what it says it will do. That’s why we pre-screen our plans to bring you only the most advantageous choices.”
Thankfully, most products & services available deliver / do exactly what they say they do. And that’s why I pre-screen our travel insurance plans.
I hope this makes sense. If you want the right travel insurance advice, call us at 1-888-407-3854 and we'll help you figure it all out.
Now, a word from our sponsor: (Travel Forums' Most Recommended Travel Insurance Website)
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