What Happens When You Mix Mentos and Diet Coke?

by Steve Dasseos on October 31, 2008

What Happens When You Mix Mentos and Diet Coke?

Steve, I need your help. I was fascinated by your link “What happens when you mix Mentos & Diet Coke?”, so I went out and started experimenting. I’ve become a Mentos & Diet Coke addict. I used to surf the internet and participate in social networking sites. Now, all I want to do is play with Mentos & Diet Coke. Any suggestions? Anon

Dear Anon, That’s great. My only suggestion is to find more activities that will get you away from your computer. I’m even unshakling my chains – I decided to start reading more and I’ve read 7 books in the past 4 weeks.

In case you don’t know what happens when you mix Mentos & Diet Coke, click here to see it on TripInsuranceStore.com.

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