New Job Will Not Allow Me to Take My Trip

by Steve Dasseos on April 2, 2019

I recently got a new job and just found out I may not be able to take off for my planned trip. I booked this trip 3 months ago when I had my previous job and had the time off approved with that job. I don’t have any approved time off for this, but I might be able to get the time off approved. Are there any policies that allow me to get refunded if I have to cancel if I cannot get the time off approved? I’m leaving on my trip in 5 months, but won’t get the answer until 2 weeks before the trip because my company wants to see what the workload is by then.

Unfortunately, none of our plans will cover you right now because you don’t have any approved time off for your trip. And, you are over 2 months late to get a Cancel for Any Reason plan.

In addition, if you did get the time off approved 2 weeks before the trip, I don’t think there’s any benefit to get a policy to cover Cancel for Work Reasons because it’s unlikely your company would cancel your time off after approving it.

There are other good reasons to get you should get a Trip insurance policy:

  • Trip Cancellation Insurance coverage:
    You, a close family member or a traveling companion gets hurt or sick before you leave (your doctor must see you in person and say you can’t travel). Travel Insurance may reimburse you the money you lose. This may include pre-existing medical conditions. Other common events that could cause you to cancel your trip are: Terrorism at your destination, bad weather, hurricanes, natural disasters or unexpected jury duty.
  • Trip Interruption Insurance coverage:
    You, a close family member or a traveling companion gets hurt or sick during your trip and you have to return home early. Before the trip it’s trip cancellation. During the trip it’s trip interruption. Our plans may provide coverage for the unused value of your trip and the cost of one-way airfare up to the plan’s limit.
  • Emergency Medical & Evacuation Insurance coverage:
    You get hurt (ie – hit by a cement truck) or sick on your trip. Travel Insurance may reimburse you your medical expenses including emergency medical transportation. Did you know that Medicare doesn’t cover you outside the USA?
  • A Trip Delay forces you to have extra accommodation expenses
  • Your luggage is delayed, lost, stolen or damaged. If your checked luggage doesn’t arrive within 12 or 24 hours, you may be reimbursed for items you need to buy. Or if it’s damaged or never arrives, most policies can provide coverage.

I hope this made sense. If you have any questions about travel insurance, email Steve (me), The Travel Insurance Guru, here.

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